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Google update thuật toán tìm kiếm mới tháng 6-2015

An update to Google’s search algorithm, acknowledged by Google’s John Mueller in today’s Webmaster Hangout, is currently rolling out. Despite speculation, Mueller confirmed this update is not Panda-related.

The MozCast, a day-by-day report of shakeups to Google’s search rankings, lit up today and Moz’s Dr. Pete Meyers has stated that it was not simply a data glitch.

An update to Google’s search algorithm, acknowledged by Google’s John Mueller in today’s Webmaster Hangout, is currently rolling out. Despite speculation, Mueller confirmed this update is not Panda-related.

The MozCast, a day-by-day report of shakeups to Google’s search rankings, lit up today and Moz’s Dr. Pete Meyers has stated that it was not simply a data glitch.

There is some thought that Wikipedia’s recent move to HTTPS could have something to do today’s changes:

Given the extent to which Wikipedia dominates the SERPs, a site-wide change could certainly in the changes being observed to Google’s search results.

However, there are clearly more pieces to this puzzle than just Wikipedia — SEO’s around the web are reporting to see ranking changes, and some are already experiencing an impact to their business.

What the update could possibly be related to is anyone’s guess at this point until there is official word from Google. Moz’s Dr. Pete believe he has found a possible explanation, which he will reveal tomorrow morning.

At this point a Panda update and/or a mobile update has been ruled out:

In addition to this update, we still have an actual Panda update to look forward to. In today’s webmaster hangout, John Mueller said we should expect to see a Panda update/refresh in the next couple of weeks.

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