Firmware update details Fimi Palm 20-1-2020
Firmware update details Fimi Palm 20-1-2020 ! Download below
2020-01-20] Camera Firmware V1115.04 : 1. Enable face tracking2. Enable to compose panorama photo in APP3. Image quality is optimized especially when shooting in dim-light condition4. Fix some bugs5.Tutorial for upgrade:[2020-01-20] Gimbal Firmware V1002.B : 1. Optimize the gimbal stability performance 2. Fix some bugs3.Tutorial for upgrade:[2020-01-20] Palm Camera Flash Firmware V1115.04 : 1. This firmware is used to upgrade the PALM that doesn't work properly due to OTA or micro SD card update fail2.Tutorial for upgrade:
FIMI PALM Camera Firmware V1115.04
FIMI PALM Gimbal Firmware V1002.B
FIMI PALM Camera Flash Firmware V1115.04

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