On the buttons homepage, you can select between small, medium, and large sizes, along with various color schemes. The buttons come pre-built and ready to go, so all you need is the actual CSS library and the right classes for your buttons.
You can download the library from GitHub or you can use the CDN version for local testing. It even works in cloud IDEs such as CodePen if you wanna give it a go in your browser.
Bttn.css is actually a smaller library, offering about 13 different styles. Some of these include material styles, gradients, ghost buttons, and the traditional pill buttons using CSS3 rounded borders.
Note this library is similar to the Butns library in using a shortened spelling of “buttons” and pure CSS code.
However, Bttn.css offers varying styles of buttons, rather than one large library of similar elements. This is one reason I recommend Bttn.css for pretty much any web project—out of all 13 styles, you’re bound to find something that fits.