In this post we’ll take a look at 23 sets of Photoshop brushes that will make it easy for you to create your own vintage and retro styled designs. There’s a variety of different types of brushes shown here, so take a look around and see if any might be of use to you.
Retro and Vintage Brushes:
Retro Brushes (3 brushes)

Retro Brushes (6 brushes)

Pin Up Girls Retro Brushes (45 brushes)

Pointing Hands Vintage Brushes (14 brushes)

1940s Cosmopolitan Ads Vintage Brushes (48 brushes)

Retro Cells(16 brushes)

Vintage Pattern Girls (11 brushes)

Steampunk Brushes (31 brushes)

Old Signs (10 brushes)

Skeleton Keys (16 brushes)

Old Book Pages (5 brushes)

Looking for hosting?. We recommend
MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off
Retro Brushes (30 brushes)

Retro Funk (38 brushes)

Vintage Grunge Brushes (17 brushes)

Stamp Brushes (15 brushes)

Scripts (20 brushes)

Doodle Arrow (69 brushes)

Vintage Fashions (15 brushes)

Old Brushes (10 brushes)
Looking for hosting?. We recommend
MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off

Vintage Hats (26 brushes)

Dirigibles (13 brushes)
Looking for hosting?. We recommend
MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off

Random Shape Brushes (9 brushes)

Wanted Poster (9 brushes)

Vintage Vogue Brushes (19 brushes)

Old Post Card Brushes (9 brushes)

Assorted Maps (14 brushes)

1960′s News Ads (12 brushes)

Victorian Lady (10 brushes)