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350+ Retro and Vintage Photoshop Brushes

In this post we’ll take a look at 23 sets of Photoshop brushes that will make it easy for you to create your own vintage and retro styled designs. There’s a variety of different types of brushes shown here, so take a look around and see if any might be of use to you.

Retro and Vintage Brushes:

Retro Brushes (3 brushes)

Retro Brushes

Retro Brushes (6 brushes)

Retro Brushes

Pin Up Girls Retro Brushes (45 brushes)

Retro Girls Pin Up Brushes

Pointing Hands Vintage Brushes (14 brushes)

Vintage Hands Pointing Brushes

1940s Cosmopolitan Ads Vintage Brushes (48 brushes)

Cosmopolitan 1940s Vintage Ads Brushes

Retro Cells(16 brushes)

retro brushes

Vintage Pattern Girls (11 brushes)

vintage pattern

Steampunk Brushes (31 brushes)

steampunk photoshop brushes

Old Signs (10 brushes)

old signs

Skeleton Keys (16 brushes)

skeleton keys

Old Book Pages (5 brushes)

old book pages

Looking for hosting?. We recommend MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off

Retro Brushes (30 brushes)

collection of retro brushes

Retro Funk (38 brushes)

retro funk photoshop brushes

Vintage Grunge Brushes (17 brushes)

dark classic vintage grunge brushes deviantart

Stamp Brushes (15 brushes)

stamp brushes

Scripts (20 brushes)


Doodle Arrow (69 brushes)

old photo frames

Vintage Fashions (15 brushes)

vintage fashions brushes

Old Brushes (10 brushes)

Looking for hosting?. We recommend MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off

old brushes

Vintage Hats (26 brushes)

old vintage hats fashion photoshop brushes

Dirigibles (13 brushes)

Looking for hosting?. We recommend MediaTemple for web hosting. Use Code MTLOVESDESIGN for 20% off

vintage around the world 80 days brush set

Random Shape Brushes (9 brushes)

random vector shapes brushes

Wanted Poster (9 brushes)

wanted poster

Vintage Vogue Brushes (19 brushes)

old vintage vogue fashion styles brushes

Old Post Card Brushes (9 brushes)

old post cards brushes

Assorted Maps (14 brushes)

hires assorted maps brushes photoshop

1960′s News Ads (12 brushes)

news ads

Victorian Lady (10 brushes)

victorian lady era brushes photoshop freebie

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