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25 mẫu quảng cáo bạn không thể bỏ lỡ

It seems that we are being bombarded by advertisements, on billboards, on the side of buses and even while waiting for the elevator. But when these ads make you do a double take or make you pay attention, that’s when you know that advertising dollars have been put to good use. And let’s face it, it is getting harder and harder to shock, impress or make people think.

Below, we’ve featured a collection of ads that are not only creative but are also great attempts at being intelligent and thoughtful. Some ads highlight serious social issues and generate public awareness, while others poke harmless fun at major brands. Name your favorite in the comments or let us know of any cool ads you have come across.

Precision parking: Park assist by Volkswagen.
Source: adsoftheworld.com

Buckle up. Stay alive. By Quebec.
Source: saaq.gouv.qc.ca

Source: saaq.gouv.qc.ca

Source: saaq.gouv.qc.ca

Not every man wants to be the fastest in the world (Fauxlympics entry).
Source: thedrum.com

Natural finish colours by Berger
Source: marketingexamples.net

"No More Abuse" campaign by the King Khalid Foundation
Source: telegraph.co.uk

FedEx across the world.
Source: theinspirationroom.com

Get noticed with Yellow.

Donate eyes by the National Federation of the Blind
Source: sites.psu.edu

Yoga Shelter: Heavenly Yoga
Source: adsoftheworld.com

The real power lies inside you. Be a donor. Save lives.
Source: pinterest.com

Source: pinterest.com

Source: pinterest.com

Band Aid: Hulk
Source: adsoftheworld.com

Baygon Insecticide
Source: coloribus.com

Hot wheels
Source: dailybri.com

Show the world your real face
Source: adsoftheworld.com

Pringles Hot & Spicy: Hot air balloon
Source: adsoftheworld.com

See you on the road!
Source: creativeadawards.com

Wonderbra Umbrella.
Source: adsoftheworld.com

Don’t text and drive – Volkswagen.
Source: cargocollective.com

I’ll be there in a wheelchair.
Source: 30-thousand-feet.blogspot..com

Don’t drink and drive.

Think about what you could save when you save water.
Source: ads-ngo.com

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