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10 jquery plugin scroll content - Cuộn nội dung div trong khoản xác định !

10 jQuery Custom Scrollbar Plugins - mình chia sẻ lại các bạn 10 ứng dụng cuộn nội dung scrollable trong 1 div xác định ! Các bạn có thể sử dụng thêm cho website mình ! giúp web gọn và chuyên nghiệp hơn.

1. jScrollPane – custom cross-browser scrollbars

Kelvin Luck’s jScrollPane was originally developed in December 2006. It is a jQuery plugin which provides you with custom scrollbars which work consistently across all modern browsers. You can style the scrollbars using simple CSS and they degrade gracefully where JavaScript is disabled.

jScrollPane – custom cross-browser scrollbars

2. Plugin JQuery : Scrollbar

This page is written in french so use Google’s translate service to translate this page to your preferred language. Download is available for the plugin.
The purpose of this plugin is to add a scrollbar to the item of your choice, to view any content which is larger than the size – vizible space of a div for example. It is aimed to the people who don’t want a default scrollbar. Whell scroll management is also included in this but is not activated.

Plugin JQuery - Scrollbar

3. Tiny Scrollbar – A lightweight jQuery plugin

Tiny Scrollbar can be used for scrolling content. It was built using the javascript jQuery library. Tiny scrollbar was designed to be a dynamic lightweight utility that gives webdesigners a powerfull way of enhancing a websites user interface. It can scroll vertical or horizontal, supports scrolling by wheel, thumb, or track and the mimified the size is 2,29 kb

Tiny Scrollbar - A lightweight jQuery plugin

4. jQuery Custom Content Scroller

A custom content scroller created with jquery and css that supports mousewheel, scroll easing and has a fully customizable scrollbar. The script utilizes jQuery UI and Brandon Aaron jquery mousewheel plugin. Very easy to configure and style with css.

jQuery Custom Content Scroller

5. jQuery Scrollbar replacements

These scrollbars are fully themable allowing their behaviour to be determined as well as their look. This script uses the ‘jquery.corner’ plugin for the lovely cross-browser rounded corners and ‘jquery.drag’ for more reliable drag event registering.

jQuery Scrollbar replacements

6. Scrollbar Paper

Scrollbar Paper does not replace browser’s default scrollbar.
Instead, it covers it with a custom scrollbar, like paper on a wall: that is why it is called Scrollbar Paper.
The benefit of this approach is that the way browser’s default scrollbar behaves is not modified: mouse wheel support, text selection and scrolling performance are the same as usual.

jQuery Scrollbar Paper

7. A custom scrollbar for a DIV

This tool brings HTML5 range input to all browsers in such a way that you can make it look and behave like you want. This small candy weights only 2.2 Kb. Here the rangeinput is used to control scrolling of a DIV. A little more coding and you can present your products like Apple does.

A custom scrollbar for a DIV jQuery

8. ShortScroll – A jQuery UI Google Wave style scroll bar

Jesse Baird has developed this custom scrollbar as a jQuery UI widget after seeing the scroll bar in Google Wave, which added functionality and style making much better than the browser default scroll bar..CSS3 background gradients to do all of the fancy background stuff so if you plan to support Internet Explorer and care about eye candy, plan on creating your own background images.

ShortScroll - A jQuery UI Google Wave style scroll bar

9. jQuery Scroll

A jQuery plugin which renders a custom, CSS styleable vertical scrollbar.

jQuery Scroll Custom

10. Vertical scrollbar using jQuery UI slider

The code assumes a single div with fixed height (#scroll-pane in my example) which contains an absolutely positioned div (#scroll-content) which contains the content for scrolling.

Vertical scrollbar using jQuery UI slider

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