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Zoom Hình ảnh với SergeLand Image Zoomer v3.0
SergeLand Image Zoomer is free jQuery image zoom plugin the magnifying glass effect.
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Image Cropper – jQuery Image Cropping Plugin
Image Cropper – jQuery Image Cropping Plugin
Image Cropper is a jQuery image cropping plugin with preview and some options.
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Zoom.js – Zoom In on Any Element in the DOM
Zoom.js – Zoom In on Any Element in the DOM
zoom.js is a proof of concept JavaScript API for zooming in on DOM elements or points. Click on any element on this page to zoom in and click again, or use ESC, to zoom out.
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Zoomooz.js - jQuery Zoom Plugin -  Phóng to thu nhỏ hình ảnh
Zoomooz.js - jQuery Zoom Plugin - Phóng to thu nhỏ hình ảnh
Zoomooz is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for making any web page element zoom.
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