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Customizable Social Like Button and Counter Plugin - social likes
Customizable Social Like Button and Counter Plugin - social likes
social likes is a jQuery plugin for creating highly customizable 'like' buttons and counters for popular social media services. It currently supports Facebook, Twitter, Goole Plus, Pinterest, and LiveJournal.
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jQuery Plugin To Display Latest Facebook Updates - Facebook Wall
jQuery Plugin To Display Latest Facebook Updates - Facebook Wall
An easy jQuery plugin for creating a 'Facebook Wall' widget on your website to display the latest updates (news feed) from your fan page or profile.
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6 Jquery Plugin hiển thị thông tin mạng xã hội tích hợp lên website
6 Jquery Plugin hiển thị thông tin mạng xã hội tích hợp lên website
A social stream, often referred to as a lifestream, is a single stream of posts and updates from various social networks. It displays your status updates along with items that you’ve shared like links, images, and videos. Some social streams even display your social interactions with others that you’re connected to.
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