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Slider - Slides Jquery - Slide Show

jmpress.js - jQuery Plugin to Build Website on the Infinite Canvas
jmpress.js - jQuery Plugin to Build Website on the Infinite Canvas
jmpress.js is a jQuery plugin to build a website on the infinite canvas. Started as a jQuery port of impress.js and utilizes the power of CSS3 transforms and transitions in modern browsers.
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Slicebox - 3D Image Slider With Graceful Fallback
Slicebox - 3D Image Slider With Graceful Fallback
Slicebox makes use of the 3D transforms properties and allows different kind of effects. The main idea is to create three-dimensional image slices that will rotate and reveal the next image as another side of the 3d object. In case the browser does not support 3D transformations, a simple slider will be used as fallback.Please note that you can only see the cool 3d effect of Slicebox in a browser that supports those CSS3 properties.
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Elastislide – A Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin
Elastislide – A Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin
Elastislide is a responsive jQuery carousel that will adapt its size and its behavior in order to work on any screen size. Inserting the carousel’s structure into a container with a fluid width will also make the carousel fluid.
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Glisse.js - jQuery Photo Viewer
Glisse.js - jQuery Photo Viewer
Glisse.js is a simple, responsive and fully customizable jQuery photo viewer. You'll like the transitions between two pictures entirely assumed by CSS3.
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Promptumenu - iPhone Like Sliding List Items Menu Plugin
Promptumenu - iPhone Like Sliding List Items Menu Plugin
Promptumenu is a jQuery plugin that allows you to display list items in a similar way like a iPhone home screen. If item count exceeds the displayed items on one screen, users can swipe through screens.If user opens the page with a mobile device like Android, iPhone/ iPad, he will be able to swipe with fingers. Also when using mouse, the plugin takes in mind the momentum with which you are moving the mouse, so the list moves with inertia after you release the mouse.
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TouchTouch - A Touch Optimized Gallery Plugin
TouchTouch - A Touch Optimized Gallery Plugin
TouchTouch is a jQuery plugin that turns a collection of photos on a webpage into a touch-friendly mobile gallery. It works on all major browsers (except for IE7 and below) and most importantly is specifically designed with iOS and Android in mind.
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Slimbox 2 - Lightbox Clone for jQuery
Slimbox 2 - Lightbox Clone for jQuery
Slimbox 2 is a 4 KB visual clone of the popular Lightbox 2 script, written using the jQuery javascript library. It was designed to be very small, efficient, standards-friendly, fully customizable, more convenient and 100% compatible with the original Lightbox 2.
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Rhinoslider - Flexible jQuery Slider/Slideshow
Rhinoslider - Flexible jQuery Slider/Slideshow
Rhinoslider is a flexible jQuery slider plugin that can present any HTML element (text, images, videos, etc.). The plugin comes with lots of transition effects and new effects or styles can be added with ease . It has options for every possible variable from the customization of the effects to auto-play, play direction, random display and navigation.
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Camera - Free jQuery Slideshow
Camera - Free jQuery Slideshow
Camera slideshow is an open source project, based on Diapo slideshow, but improved a lot. You can download it and use for free.
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Photo Wall - jQuery Photo Gallery Plugin
Photo Wall - jQuery Photo Gallery Plugin
Photo Wall is a cool plugin that creates gallery like at Google Photos(Picasa).
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