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Slider - Slides Jquery - Slide Show

Parallax Content Slider with CSS3 and jQuery
Parallax Content Slider with CSS3 and jQuery
Here you ll learn how to create a simple parallax content slider. Using CSS animations, you’ll control the animation of each single element in the slider and create a parallax effect by animating the background of the slider itself.
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Really Simple Slideshow
Really Simple Slideshow
Really Simple Slideshow is a jQuery plugin for creating image slideshows. Images are loaded dynamically as each one is required, allowing for larger slideshows without having to pre-load lots of images.
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Triple Panel Image Slider With jQuery
Triple Panel Image Slider With jQuery
Here you ll learn how to create a jQuery triple panel image slider with a 3D look. 
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Adaptor – jQuery 3D Content Slider
Adaptor – jQuery 3D Content Slider
Adaptor is a light-weight content slider that aims to provide a simple interface for developers to create cool 2D or 3D slide animation transitions.
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iView Slider – Responsive Slider jQuery Plugin
iView Slider – Responsive Slider jQuery Plugin
iView is easy to use jQuery image slider with animated captions, responsive layout and HTML Elements like (Video, iFrame) slider. 
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iosSlider – Touch Enabled jQuery Horizontal Slider Plugin
iosSlider – Touch Enabled jQuery Horizontal Slider Plugin
iosSlider is a jQuery plugin which allows you to integrate a customizable, cross-browser content slider into your web presence.
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WOW Slider – jQuery Image Slider & Carousel
WOW Slider – jQuery Image Slider & Carousel
WOW Slider is a jQuery image slider with stunning visual effects (Blur, Flip, Blast, Fly, Blinds, Squares, Slices, Basic, Fade, Ken Burns, Stack, Stack vertical and Basic linear) and tons of professionally made templates.
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Revolver.js – Content Slider
Revolver.js – Content Slider
Revolver is a new content slider that makes no assumptions about your markup. Think of Revolver as a boilerplate or framework for making your own slider, exactly the way you want it. But don't let that scare you, it's really easy.
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Skitter – A jQuery Slideshow Plugin With Flexible Animations
Skitter – A jQuery Slideshow Plugin With Flexible Animations
Skitter is a jQuery plugin that enables us to convert unordered lists into slideshows with attractive animations. The slideshow can display the list of slides as numbers or thumbnails and items can be browsed with the help of prev-next buttons as well.
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MaxImage 2.0 – jQuery Fullscreen Background Slideshow Plugin
MaxImage 2.0 – jQuery Fullscreen Background Slideshow Plugin
MaxImage 2.0 is a fullscreen background slideshow plugin that utilizes jQuery Cycle Plugin and all it’s transitions / options.
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