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SEO - Thủ thuật tối ưu từ khoá search google

25 Bước SEO website đơn giản mà hiệu quả
25 Bước SEO website đơn giản mà hiệu quả
If you’re like most SEOs, you spend a lot of time reading. Over the past several years, I’ve spent 100s of hours studying blogs, guides, and Google patents. Not long ago, I realized that 90% of what I read each doesn’t change what I actually do - that is, the basic work of ranking a web page higher on Google.
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Các trang viết bằng ajax one page navigation có ảnh hưởng SEO không !
Các trang viết bằng ajax one page navigation có ảnh hưởng SEO không !
Theo như chia sẻ của Benj Arriola of Internet Marketing Inc. Chúng ta sẽ biết thêm nhiều điều thú vị về How Site Navigation Structure có ảnh hưởng đến SEO hay không !
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Chiến lược xây dựng nội dung với Google Hummingbird
Chiến lược xây dựng nội dung với Google Hummingbird
Google Hummingbird Friendly Content Marketing Tips ! The Google Hummingbird algorithm rebuild has been a hot topic of late. There are literally hundreds of blog posts and articles analyzing exactly what Hummingbird is, why it was engineered in the first place, and how to adjust reporting and client expectations when keywords hold far less weight than they once did.
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SEO 2014 - Những sự thay đổi cần thiết để thể tồn tại và phát triển
SEO 2014 - Những sự thay đổi cần thiết để thể tồn tại và phát triển
Around 14 months ago I shared my own tiered link building strategy with the world.But since then we have had at least 12 major updates to the algorithm. One of which specifically targets tiered link building.A lot has changed which has started to make the method much less effective than it used to be.As Google evolves we must evolve and with it so must our link building practices.So I wanted to share my thoughts on the past 12 months with you and address the much wider problems at hand.
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3 sai lầm khi người ta nghĩ làm SEO thì phải làm như thế ?
3 sai lầm khi người ta nghĩ làm SEO thì phải làm như thế ?
It’s not easy being an SEO. There’s a ton of mythbusting that has to happen in order to coax your clients to success. Whether you’re educating customers or trying enhance your own site’s SEO, you need to be aware of several persistent beliefs that can lead to SEO disaster. What follows are three SEO lies that people still think are true about SEO. Three Awful Things That People Actually Think Are True about SEO
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Hướng dẫn 50 Cách SEO làm tăng Domain Authority website của bạn !
Hướng dẫn 50 Cách SEO làm tăng Domain Authority website của bạn !
I’m really enjoying the current period of evolution that organic search and SEO are going through. There have been a lot of changes, but the good news is with each algorithmic update it’s getting easier and easier for people with genuinely good sites to get high organic rankings. This means they are able to attract quite a few visitors through organic search.
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Google Page Rank Toolbar được cập nhật ! Lần cập nhật đầu trong vòng 10 tháng
Google Page Rank Toolbar được cập nhật ! Lần cập nhật đầu trong vòng 10 tháng
Just a couple months ago Matt Cutts said he would be surprised to see an update to Google Toolbar PageRank by the end of this year. Despite him having said that, here we are in December and Google just updated their Toolbar PageRank values this morning.
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Lỗi thu nhập dự liệu trên smartphone ! Google Webmaste Tool đã hỗ trợ thông báo !
Lỗi thu nhập dự liệu trên smartphone ! Google Webmaste Tool đã hỗ trợ thông báo !
The only time you go to page 3 on Google is when you’re looking for your own site.  Page one gets pretty much ALL the traffic so if you’re not there, you’re not getting traffic. This is why you should optimize for Google.  Everyone says that Bing, Yahoo, and everyone else is good.  But honestly, look at most websites and 90% of all search traffic all comes from Google.
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How-to Guide: Who Benefits From Facebook and SEM Advertising
How-to Guide: Who Benefits From Facebook and SEM Advertising
Many businesses wonder which advertising platforms match their business model best. Each advertising platform has unique features and a variety of advantages that business can draw on. Putting together the right mix of platforms and finding a balance that works for your business is a challenge. This post will provide some insights about  what type of businesses benefit from Facebook more than Search Engine Marketing and vice versa.
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Good Read: The Top 10 Google AdWords Updates of 2013
Good Read: The Top 10 Google AdWords Updates of 2013
The folks at Google AdWords have been busy elves over the last year – so much so that just keeping up with all of the changes is practically a full-time job. By my estimation Google has rolled out over a thousand new AdWords features and changes in the last year alone. That’s almost 20 new features or changes every week! The challenge for marketers is that we often just discover the new stuff as we make our way through our accounts; Google doesn’t even announce the vast majority of their AdWords updates.
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