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Myth – Writing CSS of the Future
Myth – Writing CSS of the Future
CSS has introduced a slew of new features such as CSS Gradients, Shadows, Border Radius, and Animation that can all be achieved purely with CSS. There are also several features that have yet to be implemented due tolack of browser support for CSS variables and CSS calc() functions. But if you can’t really wait for the future, let’s check out Myth.
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Hãy chọn cho bạn 1 website xu hướng thiết kế 2014 - Web Design Trends For 2014
Hãy chọn cho bạn 1 website xu hướng thiết kế 2014 - Web Design Trends For 2014
Năm 2014 năm của công nghệ, xu hướng thiết kế website với nhiều phong cách hơn ! Ban muốn website mình nổi bật hơn đối thủ, nhiều chức năng hơn và quan trọng nhất là người dùng khi vào cảm giác thấy web bạn thật là chuyên nghiệp, thể hiện được nội dung, sản phẩm rõ rang đối với người xem.
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200 Portfolio Sites for Web Design Inspiration
200 Portfolio Sites for Web Design Inspiration
 List 200 mẫu giao diện website kiểu portfolios ! Các bạn designer có thể tham khảo ý tướng cho dự ấn mới của mình
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Download 20 mẫu website miễn phí Responsive Templates
Download 20 mẫu website miễn phí Responsive Templates
If you still don’t have a responsive design, you are probably losing users/customers, and in times where mobile devices are growing exponentially, there is no excuses for you to avoid taking you website to the next level. To help you getting started, we will show here 20+ Free Responsive Templates. From portfolios to corporate, from ecommerce to real state and more, we have several great templates that will make your life easier. Make sure to visit each template’s page to see more info about it and to check out a demo. Enjoy.
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40 mẫu website HTML5 cực đẹp ! Tham khảo và thêm ý tưởng
40 mẫu website HTML5 cực đẹp ! Tham khảo và thêm ý tưởng
HTML4, after ruling for more than a decade, is now being replaced by HTML5, which has much more advanced multimedia integration and animation capabilities. Being backward compatible, it runs on almost every browser out there including for mobile platforms, providing faster load times and smoother connection with third-party applications. Many developers are putting their bets on HTML5. We’ve previously covered 40 addictive web games powered by HTML5 as well as 48 HTML5 demos with Flash-killing potential, 19 early adopters and then another 15 experiments that also run on HTML5.
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Hướng dẫn sử dụng, các thủ thuật khi dùng CSS inherit, initial & unset
Hướng dẫn sử dụng, các thủ thuật khi dùng CSS inherit, initial & unset
It’s easy to overlook the cascading features of style-sheets. Most designers/developers are aware of the inherit keyword but there are a few new inheritance features in CSS3 you may not be aware of…
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9 thủ thuật giúp wesite bạn load nhanh hơn với HTML5 và CSS3
9 thủ thuật giúp wesite bạn load nhanh hơn với HTML5 và CSS3
Web designers/developers are always looking for new ways to improve the speed and performance of the pages. With some of the new features available in HTML5, there are several ways that you can improve your web applications/pages to give your user a better experience. We’ve compiled 9 easy-to-implement HTML5 tips and tricks here that would help you streamline your website without investing in additional infrastructure.
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Thiết kế khung tìm kiếm - search với HTML5 và Css3
Thiết kế khung tìm kiếm - search với HTML5 và Css3
You’ve already seen before how to create a cool CSS3 search box and now you’ll see how can you create the above CSS3 search form with 3D look using CSS3 box-shadow.
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Hướng Dẫn canh khung giữa màn hình - Horizontal And Vertical Centering In
Hướng Dẫn canh khung giữa màn hình - Horizontal And Vertical Centering In
We’ve all seen margin: 0 auto; for horizontal centering, but margin: auto;has refused to work for vertical centering… until now!  But actually (spoiler alert!). I’m not the pioneer of this method, and it may even be a common technique, however, most vertical centering articles never mention it and I had never seen it until I dug through the comments section of a particular article. There, Simon linked to this jsFiddle that blew every other method out of the water (the same method was also mentioned by Priit in the comments). Researching further, I had to use very specific keywords to find some other sources for this method. 
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CSS Vendor Prefixes or CSS3 browser prefixes
CSS Vendor Prefixes or CSS3 browser prefixes
CSS vendor prefixes or CSS browser prefixes are a way for browser makers to add support for new CSS features in a sort of testing and experimentation period. Browser prefixes are used to add new features that may not be part of a formal specification and to implement features in a specification that hasn’t been finalized.
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