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 10 Javascript Text Effects - 10 hiệu ứng text đẹp
10 Javascript Text Effects - 10 hiệu ứng text đẹp
There are many ways to enhance web typography, we used to use flash replacement script such as sIFR to change the font face by using flash embed, but the drawback is it’s using flash to replace existing font and it could slow down webpage. Now we moved on to font embedding service such as Typekit and the free Google font. We love this solution because it’s easy to use and integrate into existing website.
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Arrow Navigation Styles Effects using SVG - Hiệu ứng chuyển trang
Arrow Navigation Styles Effects using SVG - Hiệu ứng chuyển trang
  Hiệu ứng chuyển trang qua trái phải cực đẹp, jquery slides, phù hợp cho web thiên về giới thiệu hình ảnh.
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Image Jigsaw – jQuery Plugin to Create Jigsaw Puzzle Images
Image Jigsaw – jQuery Plugin to Create Jigsaw Puzzle Images
Image jigsaw is a jQuery plugin to easy convert any image to image based jigsaw puzzle.
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10 hiệu ứng load trang thu hút người xem hơn !
10 hiệu ứng load trang thu hút người xem hơn !
Page loading time depends on several factors. Some of these factors involve either the Internet connection speed, the devices you use or the elements that compose the website people are visiting. Whatever the cause is, it is your job as a web designer to do your best to keep your viewers’ attention.
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Jquery Subtle Hover Effects
Jquery Subtle Hover Effects
The techniques we are using for these hover effects involve 3D transforms and some pseudo-element transitions. Note that these will only work in modern browsers.Sadly, transitions on text in Firefox are not very smooth which influences most of the effects.The beautiful photography is from Unsplash, a site that brings you 10 free hi-resolution photos every 10 days. The icons used in one of the hover styles is from the Feather icon set by Cole Bemis.
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Box thông báo bằng jquery đẹp ! Notification Styles Inspiration
Box thông báo bằng jquery đẹp ! Notification Styles Inspiration
In this small set of notification style variations our aim was to do exactly that. We use CSS animations for showing and hiding the notifications. Some of them are preceded by a dummy loading animation, which could be a nice idea for specific actions that require some time in a system (i.e. saving, sending a message, etc.).
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Particleground – jQuery Plugin for Snazzy Background Particle Systems
Particleground – jQuery Plugin for Snazzy Background Particle Systems
Particleground is a jQuery plugin for snazzy background particle systems. Particleground includes an optional parallax effect controlled by the mouse on desktop devices and gyroscope on mobile devices.It works in any browser that supports HTML5 canvas.
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jNottery – Add Notes and Markers to Webpages
jNottery – Add Notes and Markers to Webpages
jNottery is a jQuery plugin that lets you add notes and markers to webpages. All the data is encoded as a part of an URL which makes it easy to share or save.
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randomColor – Color Generator for JavaScript
randomColor – Color Generator for JavaScript
randomColor generates attractive colors by default. More specifically, randomColor produces bright colors with a reasonably high saturation. This makes randomColor particularly useful for data visualizations and generative art.
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Shape Hover Effect With SVG
Shape Hover Effect With SVG
In this tutorial you ll create really cool hover effect. You ll be using SVG for the shape and Snap.svg for animating it on hover.
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