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Responsive Tabbed Navigation
Responsive Tabbed Navigation
A handy tabbed navigation, optimized for mobile devices, with support for both horizontal and vertical menu positioning. It's created by using CSS and jQuery.
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Tạo Breadcrumb Navigation website chỉ sử dụng css3
Tạo Breadcrumb Navigation website chỉ sử dụng css3
Here’s a Pure CSS3 Breadcrumb Navigation method that creates pixel-perfect menus. It addresses many of the issues in other pure CSS3 ways of creating these kinds of menus, including lack of borders and inability to animate linkes along with arrows.
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 10 Awesome jQuery Tag Cloud Plugins
10 Awesome jQuery Tag Cloud Plugins
This is a collection of jQuery tag clouds (or word clouds if you like) plugins. They range from simple old fashioned clouds to more complex 3D rotating clouds with zoom built in. Notable ones include Awesome Cloud that looks great on large sets of words and Goat 1000′s HTML5 3D rotator cloud. Whether you are looking for something simple or more complex they all look fantastic so make sure to try out their demos as many contain some interesting effects. Without further adieu, here are 10 pretty awesome jQuery tag cloud plugins in no particular order.
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3 New LESS CSS Features - 3 tính nắng mới của LESS trong CSS
3 New LESS CSS Features - 3 tính nắng mới của LESS trong CSS
There have been a bunch of new additions in it, and in this post we are going to walk you through 3 of my new favorite features, Referencing External File, Extend, Merging Property, which can help us write better CSS. Let’s take a look.
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