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Perspective Page View Navigation - Hiệu ứng chuyển trang
Perspective Page View Navigation - Hiệu ứng chuyển trang
Some effects for a perspective page view navigation where the page itself gets pushed away in 3D to reveal a menu or other items.
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Animated Christmas Tree with JavaScript
Animated Christmas Tree with JavaScript
ust a simple animated christmas tree with javascript. The tree is built of two spirals. It includes 3d projection and background shadow.
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jQuery Animate Number Plugin
jQuery Animate Number Plugin
jQuery numbers animation plugin, adds 'number' property and step function to jQuery's animate function properties.
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Minimit Anima – jQuery Plugin to Animate with Transforms and Transitions
Minimit Anima – jQuery Plugin to Animate with Transforms and Transitions
Minimit Anima is a jQuery plugin to animate with transforms and transitions. It's built to have fast animation execution, and it has an api similar to jquery animate, with animations queueing.By default the anima method do automatic fallback animations on browsers without transitions or transform3d, and instant animations on browsers without transform.
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Magic Move –  Jquery hiệu ứng di chuyển vị trí các phần tử DOM
Magic Move – Jquery hiệu ứng di chuyển vị trí các phần tử DOM
Magic Move is a jQuery plugin to do transitions between DOM states.Magic Move is a better way of doing transitions and, rather than hard coding positions, delegate layout to the browser.
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 Awesome CSS3 animated header
Awesome CSS3 animated header
ou can now create stunning animations with CSS3. But, I bet you know that. The keyword when it comes about CSS3 animations is the CSS3 @keyframes rule and in this article you will learn how to create an awesome CSS3 animated header using it.
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